Sunday, June 29, 2008

Day 13 – Sun/Jun 29 – 35 Miles East of Riverton WY to Glenrock WY

Today started early with cool temperatures (55 degrees) and a steady climb of 700 feet over the first 30 miles. After that, we descended 1,400 feet over the next 79 miles with numerous small ascends mixed in to remind our legs of the climbs of the previous week. The total climb for the day was just over 1,800 feet. We traveled on Hwy 20/26 again all day. The road remains very favorably for biking.

For the past 10 days, we have been riding at elevations close to or over a mile high. At times it has been difficult taking a deep breath, but I believe the worst is behind us. We had about 80% of our ride today completed by noon. The temperatures were in the 80s over the last 26 miles, which was still relatively cool. We are trying to stay off the bike when the temperatures get into the 90s.

I am glad to be getting through this dry desolate part of the ride – nothing but sand, grassland and sage brushes with very few trees. A couple times during the day when we stopped to take on fluids and nutrition, you could not see any buildings and the road itself seems to disappear into the vast open terrain. Even though this was a very desolate place, I saw hundreds of deer, antelope and other wildlife. There was a section that ran along the North Platte River where farmers were growing wheat (via irrigation). It is so much easier riding down the road when you can see the crops growing in fields along the road. We hope to hit the Nebraska border tomorrow afternoon (before temperatures get too warm).

I finished the day with a flat – one I didn’t notice until we were cleaning our bikes. The tire was not completely flat but getting soft. The tire/tube count is now – Matt 2 tubes/1 tire – Gary 6 tubes/2 tires. I lost a tube and tire back in Jackson WY.


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