Thursday, July 3, 2008

Day 17 – Thu/Jul 3 – 5 Miles East of Valentine NE to 32 Miles East of O’Neil NE

We woke up this morning still feeling the effects of yesterday’s grueling 82 mile ride and a bit apprehensive about what today would bring. As bad as yesterday was, today was as good. God smiled on us today – sunny skies, light and variable winds (primarily head and cross) and cool temperatures (54 – 73 degrees). This along with the smooth roads and a flat route (change in elevation of about 900 feet with only 951 feet of climb) allowed us to ride 138.1 miles today, averaging 18.7 mph. This is the 7th consecutive day of net descent since crossing the continental divide. Maybe the climb was worth it after all.

Yesterday at 1:30 PM, we had ridden a grand total of 27 miles. Today, we had 87 miles in by 1:30. What a difference 24 hours makes. We “banked” an additional 32 miles today (riding past our hotel into tomorrow’s ride) which means we will only have to ride 131 miles tomorrow to get to our hotel. Tomorrow’s ride was scheduled to be 163 miles by an over-aggressive planner (yet to be identified). The temperatures are forecast to be relatively cool tomorrow, but unfortunately is looks like we will have a stiff head wind. Hopefully the forecast is wrong and we will get another day like today.

We rode past a billboard today the stated “Now entering ‘the middle of nowhere’”. My guess is that the past few days have been the beginning of nowhere and the next few days the end of nowhere. We are now starting to ride through small towns every 10 miles or so. This makes it easier riding.


Anonymous said...

Gary, I've never met you, but from what Matt has told me, you are an exceptional person.

Thank you for allowing my brother to travel with you on this momentous journey and thank you for keeping your wing around the young lad!

What you two have accomplished thus far is nothing short of amazing; what you two will have accomplished when it is over is the memory of a lifetime!

Take care, may the pedals push easy and may the wind be at your backs!


Anonymous said...

I have been reading/riding along each day and it sounds like you guys are having a great time. The pics are great too. The only thing better would be a helmet-cam but then you would have to take time each night to bleep the audio part. May you continue to be blessed with good weather, strong tail winds, and strong legs. Keep it up as the nowhere is behind you.
Don Dixon
P.S. Cheers to your support team!

Anonymous said...

You guys are amazing!!!! I have been following your trip each day and in fact, you've inspired me. Yesterday I decided to go to a bar that is situated near an area where there are plenty of bicylists, I sat and watched them as I got hammered. Great day and at one point, I thought I saw you and Matt ride by.

Keep up the great job, it's been a blast following you.



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